CHANGELOG plog v0.7 v0.7 Updater script from 0.5 to 0.7 and 0.6 to 0.7 - This script change the database to support the new plog New layout all in CSS Divs, no more tables - It could be strange for themes Multilanguage support first version - The structure is ready, need data! Fixed bugs in SendtoFriend script Installer updated - Added guest user and emails fields Gravatar support - now if you have an avatar register, gonna be displayed [ Ref: ] Improved plog_users and plog_comments tables, a new field (email) added - This is required for Gravatar Fixed user tag in details Improved Altbar, now support Navigation, Random or nothing Improved Admin security - Minor bugs about security with strings. Improved Random - Added option categorie. Minor bugs. Improved RSS Feeder - Added pics descriptions and direct URLs. Added options like size, categorie and number v0.6.4 Mobile module - First version, include patch for Telcel (Mexico) cellphones carrier Fix bug bulk files creation error, don't update filename field in DB v0.6.2 New layout and NavBar at Admin v0.6.1 Add email notifications when a photo is posted Misc bugs from 0.6 v0.6 Statistics at admin page Admin Proc to delete thumbs Raitin in pictures with option to vote only one time per session - Fixed the bug in the counter too Fix bug to move pictures between categories Support to delete categories Support to anonymous uploads Updater script from 0.5 to 0.6 - This script change the database and pictures filename Installer add a default categorie - This is needed for anonymous uploads DBI::mysql package is the default package to use Mysql - The Mysql package is OBSOLETE Switch to select Mysql version for know how many chars are needed by passwords Fix slideshow counter Add transitions slideshow Random bar display only pictures in the same categorie v0.5 Comments in Admin, can be listed and deleted Print this page in details and browse mode Support to different picture list in navbar Expandos in details info and browse mode - Helpful expandos to reduce page size Misc changes By hxxbin ( and iunk ( 2005